To strengthen the love and bonds to Christ by:
- Participating in prayer, learning activities and music
- Becoming acquainted with Bible stories, characters, values, ethics, and lifestyles
To develop a positive self-concept by participating in experiences which focus on:
- Believing that he/she is a worthwhile person; believing that he/she can be successful
- Being able to adjust to failures as well as success
To begin the process of social development by:
- Developing warm relationships with teachers and other children
- Learning to share and the meaning of respect
- Interacting in fair play with the other children; caring for others
To increase the use of language by:
- Developing a meaningful vocabulary
- Using language as a successful means of communication 3. Learning to express feelings verbally
To advance in intellectual development by:
- Interacting and learning from the environment
- Learning to follow directions; being able to understand new concepts
- Becoming interested and motivated in learning activities
To work on acquiring physical coordination by:
- Advancing in gross motor development.
- Advancing in fine motor coordination.
To participate in creative experiences by:
- Engaging with art materials and determining the creative set up of those materials
- Participating in experiences that offer the use of the imagination